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“Powerful predictor of illness and premature aging”
The AGE Scanner can tell you!What are AGEs?
AGEs develop from a chemical reaction between sugars and proteins in the body. Through various stages, this reaction sets a process in the body in motion that is ultimately irreversible. The resulting molecules bind to your tissue and build up, which is how AGEs form.
This can happen anywhere in the body: in your veins, eyes, heart, kidneys, cartilage, or even your collagen.
AGEs come with a nasty side effect as well. By binding to and accumulating in our tissue, they damage this tissue and our organs over time, which leads to loss of function.
Simply put, your veins become less flexible and more brittle, which results in cardiovascular illness. Someone with a high AGE count will also have more wrinkles and often appear much older in terms of their skin texture or color.
Thousands of studies throughout the world have shown that the more AGEs someone has in their tissue, the higher their risk of chronic illnesses, complications, or death. As a result, AGEs are being linked to cardiovascular illness, diabetes, and kidney failure. More recent studies even indicate a connection to Alzheimer’s and cancer.
Scientific research has proven that several factors contribute to the formation of AGEs, and elevated glucose levels in the blood play a major role. That is why AGEs are strongly associated with type 2 diabetes. Other factors that contribute to the faster formation of AGEs are stress, smoking, and poor eating habits.

Luckily, there’s some good news too!
As we mentioned earlier, AGEs develop from a chemical reaction between sugars and proteins in the body. There are even AGEs in the food that you eat. Foods with a lot of sugar and fat that are subjected to high temperatures are a source of many AGEs. These include fried/grilled meat, roasted peanuts and tree nuts, crème brûlée, soda, and even cheese and bacon.
Research is revealing more and more about how AGEs form in the body. In turn, we are also learning more and more about how to limit the damage they cause as much as possible. Physical activity and a diet low in carbohydrates and sugars can help you slow the development of AGEs.
Certain antioxidants may also contribute to slowing or reducing AGE formation. Antioxidants are found naturally in foods like vegetables, fruit, tea (green and black), and some medicinal plants. A few examples: vitamin B often occurs naturally in grains, salmon, leafy greens, and eggs. Polyphenols are primarily found in turmeric, red wine, grapes, citrus fruits, green tea, and broccoli. Rutin largely appears in capers, olives, buckwheat, and asparagus, while resveratrol naturally occurs in large quantities in raw peanuts and tree nuts, blueberries, red/purple grapes, and red wine. In addition to these natural sources, AGE-inhibiting substances can also be purchased in supplements, but adjusting daily food intake and lifestyle is always preferred.
Watching what you eat is good advice. Many studies have shown that a diet lower in sugar, specifically fructose, and fewer foods cooked at high temperatures helps to slow the aging process and make it healthier.
As we’ve already mentioned, the glycation reaction occurs in stages: the last step is the irreversible formation of AGEs. There’s always a chance to take action until then. Getting exercise, eating healthy, reducing stress, and consuming antioxidants can slow or reduce AGE development. This is a slow process: it typically takes at least three months before a structural decline in AGEs can be observed.